NXPowerLite v3.0.5 英文正式版(PowerPoint文檔專用壓縮軟體)
一個優秀的PowerPoint文檔專用壓縮工具 內置高品質,標準,高壓縮率三種壓縮方式,並支
Good content takes up space. Even in small companies, large
Microsoft Office files can cause significant storage, backup and
transfer problems. In larger organisations these problems quickly
scale up to become major issues.
NXPowerLite radically reduces the size of Word, Excel and
PowerPoint files in seconds, with no discernible loss of quality -
making them easier to use, store and share. It does this by
removing any excess baggage and converting embedded graphics to
the most appropriate file format and resolution.
Traditional compression methods, such as zipping, have little
effect on image-heavy files - which is where NXPowerLite really
excels. And with NXPowerLite, there's no need to unzip your files
before using them.
Files remain in their original format and retain all their
functionality, so they can be opened and edited by anybody with a
copy of
Microsoft Office. File recipients do not need to have
NXPowerLite on their machines.
Neuxpower NXPowerLite v6.2.6.for File Server Multilingual 英文正式版(壓縮軟體)
Neuxpower NXPowerLite for File Servers v5.0.2 英文正式版(優化文件軟體)
Neuxpower NXPowerLite for File Servers v4.3.2 英文正式版(優化文件軟體)
Neuxpower NXPowerLite v2.5 英文正式版(PowerPoint文檔專用壓縮軟體)
Neuxpower NXPowerLite for File Servers v5.0.4 英文正式版(優化文件軟體)
Neuxpower NXPowerLite v4.3.2 for File Server 英文正式版(壓縮軟體)
Neuxpower NXPowerLite v4.2.3 英文正式版(壓縮軟體)